Or what my family is going to do is take all the solid bulbs I don't like anymore (my purple ones....I went through a purple phase ;)) and any extra stuff I find, to go decorate one of our trees on HWY 360 here in Austin. I love this city and their quirky traditions like decorating big evergreen trees along side the road!
Now, when you put your decor back, there are a few ways you can try to stay organized in the attic or garage:
1. Put all (Christmas/Hanukkah/winter) decor all in the same color plastic totes.
2. Label all totes (whatever holiday first) then what is in it. Ex: Christmas-ornaments.
3. Put them all in the same area.
4. Wreaths in actual wreath boxes. You paid good money for that wreath, store it correctly!
5. Don't forget to store all candles in the house in a box marked holiday candles!